Are you sabotaging yourself?
How many times have you started something new with intentions to improve yourself, get healthy, pursue your dreams...only to fall back into bad habits or patterns?
If I had a dollar for every time I did this, I'd be richer than Jeff Bezos. Seriously. But why do we ALL do this (even Jeff Bezos)?
The answer is one word: sabotage.

The Many Benefits of Practicing Yoga as You Age
The benefits of yoga as you age are actually plentiful but it’s important to make sure you’re doing a practice that works for you.

5 Reasons to Eat More Plants
Do you ever feel like the act of figuring out what to eat is complicated? I feel like that sometimes. I think it’s because there’s a lot involved in answering the question: what should we eat? There are so many diets out there: keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, flexitarian, and on and on. What is the best diet for a human being, anyway?

The Side Effect of Aging That You CAN Control
What the heck is “inflammaging?” Another thing to worry about? Well, yes and no. It depends. We all age. And it’s a complex process. But, research suggests that inflammation may be a strong contributor many age-related chronic diseases. Read more about what you can control with aging.

Being Present with What Is
When I’m teaching yoga, I invite student to try and be present with what is. That means however their bodies feel or whatever their minds are doing, to just allow that to be present without getting entangled in it. It’s definitely easier said than done. So, how can some people not get all riled up by things and other people lose it at the slightest inconvenience? Well, it takes a lot of practice.