Are you sabotaging yourself?

How many times have you started something new with intentions to improve yourself, get healthy, pursue your dreams...only to fall back into bad habits or patterns? 

If I had a dollar for every time I did this, I'd be richer than Jeff Bezos. Seriously. 

But why do we ALL do this (even Jeff Bezos)? 

The answer is one word: sabotage.

We all sabotage ourselves at some point or another. Being aware of it is how you can stop it.

We all do this because we're human and carry with us baggage in the form of Saboteurs. And they’re with us because at one point they helped protect us. The problem is if we leave our Saboteurs unmanaged, they can rob us of any progress or happiness we try to pursue. Ignoring your Saboteurs is like planting a beautiful new garden while leaving voracious snails free to chow down and weeds free to choke out anything in their path.

So, what are Saboteurs? 

They're a set of automatic and habitual mind patterns, each with its own voice, beliefs, and assumptions that work against your best interest. And like I said earlier, EVERYONE has them. They're universal—spanning cultures, genders, and age groups—because they're connected to the functions of the brain focused on survival. We each develop Saboteurs early in childhood to survive perceived threats in life, both physical and emotional. By the time we're adults, we usually don't need these Saboteurs, but they become invisible inhabitants of our minds. We often don’t even know they exist.

Click here to get a brief description of the ten Saboteurs and how each one works. 

We usually have more than one Saboteur—more likely is we have a little bit of a few of them. My top three Saboteurs are Controller, Pleaser, and Hyper-Vigilant. 

The good news is along with Saboteurs, we ALL also have inner Sage powers: empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and decisive action. With these powers, your Sage can meet all the challenges that you face in life—and will not only generate the best results but also lead to the highest level of personal satisfaction, peace of mind, and happiness along the way.

Click here to learn more about the five powers of your inner Sage, when they're needed most, and what often gets in the way.

If you want to go deeper, and learn how to identify your Saboteurs while strengthening your Sage powers, schedule a free consultation with me. You will be amazed at how this can help you improve your relationship, work, and life.


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