What to do instead of doomscrolling
We’ve all gotten sucked into the vortex of doom scrolling. “Doom scrolling" is the act of endlessly scrolling through negative news or social media posts, often leading to feelings of anxiety, despair, and helplessness. It’s no wonder our mental health is taking a hit. But what can we do instead of doom scrolling? Here are some practical and healthy alternatives to help break the cycle and improve your mental well-being.
Don’t Listen to anyone about your health
The internet is chock-full of advice from self-proclaimed experts on every topic imaginable, health and wellness being one of the most controversial topics. From social media influencers to self-taught gurus, there is no shortage of folks offering guidance on how to live your healthiest life. The problem is this abundance of information can lead to confusion and misinformation. As we try our darndest to navigate this maze of advice, it's crucial to remember one fundamental truth: when it comes to your health, the most reliable expert is often your own body.
The Art of Balance
In yoga, we practice balance in nearly every asana. The word “asana” in sanskrit is often translated as “pose” or “posture.” I’ve been thinking about balance a lot lately and at 57 years old, I think I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that I’m not very good at balance. Oh, I can hold many poses standing on one leg for a long time and you’d probably think I am great at balance but I cannot seem to figure it out when it comes to living life. I’ll explain.
Endings and Beginnings
My son recently graduated from high school. He’s my youngest child so it was both bittersweet and exciting to go through this rite of passage with him. I found myself weeping when remembering the first time he rode a bicycle by himself. Now he’s graduated from high school with honors and leaving in the fall for college. I began to ponder about endings and beginnings.
Make Movement your medicine
Our bodies were made to move. The problem is our society has been built around keeping us in a sedentary position—the average person in the U.S. sits for 10.4 hours a day. I recently went to Florence Italy and I don’t think I sat for more than 3 or 4 hours each day because we had to walk everywhere. We’re learning that moving throughout your day not only keep chronic health issues at bay, but it also keeps you young for longer. So, if you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to make movement your medicine. Here are more reasons to motivate you.
The Power of an anti-inflammatory Diet for Health and longevity after 50
To say that our bodies undergo changes as we age is an understatement. If you’re 50 years of age or older, you know what I mean. To live a full and energetic life well into our 80s, it’s crucial for us to pay close attention to our dietary habits now. One dietary approach that I follow and work with my clients on is the anti-inflammatory diet. This diet focuses on consuming foods that reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to various age-related health issues. Let's dive into the science-backed reasons why embracing an anti-inflammatory diet can be particularly beneficial for those 50+, shall we?
Why is a positive mindset important as we get older?
Healthy aging is having the mindset that you will do whatever is needed in order to continue doing the things that you love and are important to you as you grow older. People with more positive attitudes about growing old tend to live longer and healthier lives than those with negative thoughts about aging, according to recent research.
Science-Backed Strategies: How to Feel Fit and vital in your 70’s and Beyond
With the right approach, you can thrive well into your golden years. In this article, we'll explore four science-based steps to help you live fit and healthy at the age of 70 and beyond.
Are you sabotaging yourself?
How many times have you started something new with intentions to improve yourself, get healthy, pursue your dreams...only to fall back into bad habits or patterns?
If I had a dollar for every time I did this, I'd be richer than Jeff Bezos. Seriously. But why do we ALL do this (even Jeff Bezos)?
The answer is one word: sabotage.
The Many Benefits of Practicing Yoga as You Age
The benefits of yoga as you age are actually plentiful but it’s important to make sure you’re doing a practice that works for you.