Make Movement your medicine

Our bodies were made to move. The problem is our society has been built around keeping us in a sedentary position—the average person in the U.S. sits for 10.4 hours a day. I recently went to Florence Italy and I don’t think I sat for more than 3 or 4 hours each day because we had to walk everywhere. We’re learning that moving throughout your day not only keep chronic health issues at bay, but it also keeps you young for longer. So, if you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to make movement your medicine. Here are more reasons to motivate you.

NOT Moving Enough Can Cut Your Life Short

Sitting too much for too long increases the risk of dying early. It reduces blood flow to the legs and increases the risk of heart disease by accelerating the build up of plaque in the arteries. Being sedentary also puts you at higher risk for diabetes, depression, and obesity. And if you exercise a bit during the day and sit for hours after that, you’re still at risk. According to a study, whether people participated in low or high amounts of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity, they showed the same heightened risk if they sat for long hours. That’s why it’s important to infuse movement throughout your day.

Movement Means Less Pain and Less Chronic Aliments

Physical activity helps alleviate arthritic symptoms, reduce the risk of developing type two diabetes, and Parkinson’s Disease—all chronic aliments typically associated with older age. In fact, movement and exercise can also slow aging by 10 years.

And all those aches and pains that come with age can be alleviated with moderate exercise. Neurotransmitters, namely dopamine, and endocannabinoids activated during exercise can reduce the pain caused by inflammation.

Movement is Conducive to Overall Lifelong Health

Wouldn’t you rather take brisk walks throughout the day for about 5-10 minutes than take a bunch of pills (which WILL have a few negative side effects)? I certainly would! If you don’t want to end up with chronic health issues, have your mobility compromised, or end up in a wheelchair later in life: MOVE THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY NOW! Here are more ideas for fitting more movement into your day:

Set a timer every 30-45 minutes and take a short five-minute walk, put on your favorite tunes and dance, or just do this.

Park farther away from your destination so you have to walk, take the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator, get off one or two subway or bus stops ahead of your destination.

Plan hikes or walks with groups of friends to not only get in movement but social time.

Do chores like vacuuming, sweeping, laundry, dishes, etc. in your breaks between computer work time.

What other ideas can you come up with?

If you want to learn specifically what you can do NOW to set yourself up to be fit and vital as you get older, schedule a free consultation with me.


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